The Baskerville Wide Fit Muzzle humane design allows dogs to pant (when hot or stressed) and drink.
Suitable for daily walks and longer periods of wear.
For Broad Nosed dogs: this muzzle is a specially designed for broad nosed dogs such as Staffies, Boxers, Rottweillers and Mastiffs.
Ideal for reactive Dogs: you can train and Reward treat your dog if they are reactive around other dogs or new people e.g. Vet or Groomer.
Versatile & Safe: with strong plastic muzzle basket.
Safe for bite prevention in all situations. Comes with secure and easy use Leather neck strap attachment.
Comfortable fit: Strong yet lightwight muzzle with padded nose piece.
For broader nosed dogs needing a dog muzzle.
Important: It is strongly advised that you measure your dog before purchase, please refer to the size guide
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